// Combined script to redirect query string URLs and set the canonical tag (function() { alert('Script is running'); var url = window.location.href; var canonicalUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; // Redirect query string URLs to clean URLs if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) { alert('Redirecting to clean URL: ' + canonicalUrl); window.location.replace(canonicalUrl); // Use replace to ensure the redirect } else { alert('Setting canonical tag: ' + canonicalUrl); // Set the canonical tag var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'canonical'; link.href = canonicalUrl; document.head.appendChild(link); } })();

Beautiful Christian Websites

as easy as 1, 2, 3

A white dove in mid-flight with wings spread wide, symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit. The dove's feathers are detailed, showing a range of shades from pure white to soft grays, capturing the grace and beauty of this powerful symbol.

Beautiful Christian Websites

as easy as 

1, 2, 3

A simple white cross centered on a dark blue background, representing a symbol of faith and Christianity.

After waiting more than three seconds for your website to load, more than half of your visitors simply leave. Easy fix...

Helping Shepherds In The Body Of Christ Build Better Ministries Online

Logo of Digital Dove Media LLC, featuring a stylized icon of a flaming dove, representing the Holy Spirit, soaring above two entwined white letter D's. The dove and D's together create a distinctive symbol, with the text 'Digital Dove Media' positioned to the right. This logo represents our identity as a Christian marketing agency dedicated to assisting shepherds in the Body of Christ in enhancing their online ministries.


Try Convertri

A Mobile Specific version of your website is a MUST for your Ministry in today's online environment >>

Close-up of a person's hand gently touching lavender flowers in a blooming field, with the warm light of a sunset creating a soft, ethereal glow in the background. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful and sensory connection with nature.



Having an Online Ministry is almost pointless if people are bouncing from your website before they ever read a word of your message...

Adding high resolution images and video to your Ministry's website increases engagement. 

Simple to do

Grab and keep the attention of your visitors using a few easy improvements.

It matters (a lot!)

After waiting more than three seconds for your website to load, more than half of your visitors simply leave. 

Easy fix...

A crown made of thorns isolated on a white background, symbolizing the Passion of Christ and representing themes of sacrifice and redemption in Christian iconography.


Digital Dove Media | Get Your Free Christian Website

Close-up of a person's hand gently touching lavender flowers in a blooming field, with the warm light of a sunset creating a soft, ethereal glow in the background. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful and sensory connection with nature.
Graphic representation of responsive web design across different devices: a desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, all displaying the same web content with layout adjustments suited to each screen size. The devices are set against a dark blue background, emphasizing the concept of cross-platform compatibility.
Graphic representation of responsive web design across different devices: a desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, all displaying the same web content with layout adjustments suited to each screen size. The devices are set against a dark blue background, emphasizing the concept of cross-platform compatibility.



Fast Page Design

Quickly build out digital spaces for Believers to explore and deepen their relationship with Jesus

Why Convertri?

100% Customisable

Craft clear and compelling Christ-centered messaging that attracts those seeking answers in Messiah

Graphic representation of responsive web design across different devices: a desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, all displaying the same web content with layout adjustments suited to each screen size. The devices are set against a dark blue background, emphasizing the concept of cross-platform compatibility.
Graphic representation of responsive web design across different devices: a desktop monitor, laptop, tablet, and smartphone, all displaying the same web content with layout adjustments suited to each screen size. The devices are set against a dark blue background, emphasizing the concept of cross-platform compatibility.


Downright awesome!

Provide a more immersive and fulfilling online experience for visitors to your ministry’s website. Hallelujah!

Try Convertri

A stylized flame icon with a white cutout that suggests a dove in flight, set against a gradient of orange to yellow, representing the Holy Spirit in Christian iconography.

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” - Matthew 4:19

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony... - Revelation 12:11

And I have other sheep that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice; and they will become one flock, with one shepherd. - John 10:16

Imagine a church without walls... 

A Digital Sanctuary built for the Saints that transcends both distance and geography...

Your very own Holy Spirit filled spot full of worship n grace that's accessible to anyone, anywhere, at anytime...

One that testifies of the Love Goodness and Mercy of our God,

Preaches salvation in Messiah...

And does it using your own words...

And in your own way...



This vision is no longer a dream, 

but a reality you can easily create using a unique and powerful digital platform designed to breathe life into your online evangelism...


It's reeeeeeally Fast

Super Fun

Extremely Effective

And a very powerful tool in the right hands. Because when you decide to build your ministry on Convertri...

You're not just building a 


Landing page

Or Funnel

You're crafting a virtual home for both Believers and the Lost:

And you're saving souls.


So please. Take a closer look below.

HERE'S JUST A FEW FEATURES you can use to supercharge your online evangelism using Convertri.

Intuitive Christian Creation

Drag-and-Drop builder allows you to create gospel-centered websites with ease and grace: 

Move elements around with an inspired touch, and start shaping a digital space that speaks to those with a heart for Jesus and welcomes both the weary and curious alike. 

No coding.

No confusion, just pure, unfiltered connection.

Divine Insights for Shepherds

Powerful Reporting provides you with deep revelations to help you better understand your Digital Flock: 

What resonates? 

What heals? 

Through Convertri's keen analytics, you won't just see the numbers; you'll also perceive what's moving souls and clearly understand how to nurture them. 

Sure...track your ministry's growth, but more importantly, witness lives touched and changed.

Glory hallelujah!

Open Arms

Customizable Landing Pages & Forms that lead people to Christ with a Personalized Touch: 

Your online ministry can reflect the unique love and calling that you've been given. Tailor your messages, shape your pages, so that every visitor feels seen, heard, understood. 

Because with Convertri?

It's not just about clicks:

Praises to the Most High it's about hearts reached too.

Gifts Offerings and Gratitude

Collecting Donations is fast and easy allowing those moved to sow into your work to so so: 

The act of Holy-spirit led giving becomes seamless with Convertri. Whether it's a widow's mite or a rich man's bounty...

every contribution is a shared blessing, supporting your mission to share the Gospel and expressing gratitude.

Amen Amen!

Spreading the Love and Light of Jesus

Lead Generation is really about raising awareness of Salvation and

Connecting the Called to the Gospel: 

Some are searching; some are on the verge of breakthrough. Convertri's lead generation helps you reach them, invite them, and guide them to salvation in Christ.

It's not about numbers: it's about the Great Commission.

Powerful when used right.

As you can probably guess Convertri isn't simply a tool for online evangelism...

It's about creating an engaging, high-performance, beautiful faith-based platform that goes beyond pixels and algorithms...

It's about touching lives

Lifting spirits

And spreading hope

One click at a time...

Your online ministry awaits Beloved, and with Convertri the task of building it isn't daunting it's inspiring, not technical but spirit-filled...

Will you take this step

The digital congregation is gathering, and your online ministry can be a light that guides them into the open arms of Jesus.


Christian Websites

Digital Ministries

Online Evangelism

A person working on a laptop with digital icons of healthcare and religious symbols floating above the screen, symbolizing the intersection of technology and spirituality. The individual's hands are typing, with a cup of coffee next to the laptop, in a low-lit environment that creates a serene and focused workspace atmosphere.
Screenshot of the Convertri website promoting 'The World’s Fastest Funnel Builder'. The page features a bold headline, a call-to-action button saying 'Build Your Next Funnel For Free', and an image of a smiling woman, indicating a user-friendly platform for building sales funnels.


Convertri is a popular platform usually used for building and optimizing landing pages and funnels.

We're using it to share the Gospel.

By employing this tool, churches can significantly enhance their ministry's online presence in various ways.

Let's look at a few:

User-Friendly Interface

Convertri's easy-to-use drag and drop functionality ensures that any Digital Evangelists, with even minimal technical expertise, can create professional-looking web pages...


(They have professional templates)

Easy peasy too.

This means that even church volunteers and staff can be involved in building and maintaining the site, fostering a sense of community and ownership.

Mobile Optimization

With the rise in mobile device usage, having a website that's optimized for mobile is essential.

Mobile is the future.

It's an absolute must-have going forward.

Convertri's platform automatically ensures that the church's web content looks great on any device 

(Built for you at the click of a button)

And it's not just mobile-optimized either..

It's actually a MOBILE-SPECIFIC version of your site...

Meaning you get gorgeous gospel-centered web pages on any smartphone that grab attention and keep it focused on Christ.




This accessibility can help your ministry reach a broader audience, including younger members of the congregation who are more likely to browse on mobile.

Integration with Social Media

Here we Go!

Convertri allows seamless integration with various social media platforms, enabling churches to easily share sermons, events, and other content. 





Take your pic. We all know where the eyeballs are today.

Social Media.

And Convertri makes it so easy to send visitors to check out your Donation Page, on Facebook, or maybe see what's new with upcoming congregation events on Instagram


Direct attention to a private digital space, where believers can fellowship online with like-minded individuals.

Integrate your ministry's social media

Even run ads.

This can help build a sense of online community and engagement, extending the church's reach beyond the local area.

All of this is point-and-click when you build it out on Convertri.

Analytics and Tracking

By using Convertri's analytics tools, churches can gain insight into visitor behavior, popular content, and other key metrics:

Are the Daily Scriptures resonating?

Is the Bible Study material engaging? 

Do the Devotionals move people?

How 'bout my last sermon?

You'll know at a glance what's working and what's not.

The numbers don't lie.

They'll help you make informed decisions that help grow your ministry and keep visitors coming back again and again.

It's just math.

This data-driven approach allows for the continuous improvement of the online experience, helping to retain current members and attract new ones.

Affordability and Scalability

Convertri offers various pricing plans suitable for different budgets, and its scalability ensures that it can grow alongside the church's ministry. Start small if you have to...


Toss your sacrifice onto the altar,

Scale back your Starbucks, Cut out those weekly Pizzas,

Or straight up dedicate funds to building something for the Lord,

It really isn't much.

Convertri is cheap for what you get.

And there's a FREE 14 day trial 

This makes it a practical solution for both small congregations looking to establish an online presence and larger churches aiming to expand their digital outreach.

Click Below

Security and Support

With robust security measures and dedicated support, Convertri provides a safe and reliable platform. 

This reassurance enables the church to focus on its core mission without worrying about technical glitches or security breaches.

Keeps your eyes focused on Jesus...

Not the machinations of the enemy.

Customized Experience

Convertri also allows churches to create a unique and customized online experience that reflects their values, vision, and community.

Live worship might be poppin off.

Maybe you're big on community service?

You could be teaching the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Private women's studies?

Weekday sermons?

Mens's discipleship?

Youth groups?


This is your chance to let people know what you're all about.

Tailoring the website to the church's specific needs can enhance the connection between the church and its online visitors.

Convertri just makes it so simple to do.

By adopting Convertri, churches can build an effective and engaging online presence that resonates with both their current congregation and potential new members. 

Its user-friendly design, mobile optimization, integration capabilities, and comprehensive analytics tools make it an invaluable asset for modern-day ministry. 

Whether looking to expand outreach, foster a sense of community, or provide resources and information, Convertri empowers churches to utilize the digital space in a meaningful and productive way.


A professional studio microphone with a pop filter mounted on a stand, in focus in the foreground, with a pair of headphones and audio mixing console and open Bible blurred in the background, suggesting a podcasting or radio broadcasting setup.
Monochrome portrait of a sheep facing forward, with a focused expression. The sheep's fleece texture is detailed against a stark black background, highlighting its peaceful and curious demeanor.


Convertri is an excellent tool for building a Christian website. 

It provides a range of features that can help to optimize the website for search engine rankings, as well as providing a range of templates that allow for the website to be easily designed and built. 

Through the use of Convertri your ministry's website can be quickly and effectively optimized for SEO, ensuring that the website is visible to a larger audience. 

Additionally, the platform is user-friendly, allowing for the website to be quickly and easily built and maintained. 

By using Convertri to build a Christian website, your online ministry can benefit from a simple to use, SEO optimized site right from the start. Easy as 1, 2, 3.


Convertri is an incredible tool for online evangelism. 

Teach. Praise. Testify.

Preach salvation in Christ.

Start saving souls...

And do it using beautiful Holy Spirit filled websites


With Convertri, it is possible to create dynamic websites and online experiences that are tailored to potential believers.

His sheep will know His voice.

They could be anyone.

The use of Convertri can help to reach a wider audience and to create more engaging experiences that will draw viewers in and keep them engaged...


Convertri also provides analytics that can help to track the effectiveness of evangelism efforts and refine strategies for future success...


Overall, Convertri is an invaluable tool for any solo evangelist or Christian organization working to spread the gospel online.


Convertri is an ideal tool for building an digital ministry.


If I can do it? 


With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, powerful analytics and reporting, and customizable landing pages and forms, Convertri makes it easy to create an effective online presence for your ministry.

There's really not much it can't handle.

Fore example, Convertri’s features also allow you to collect donations, track website performance, generate leads...

And much, much more.

With its user-friendly interface and powerful analytics, Convertri is the perfect tool for creating an effective and engaging online ministry.

What exactly are you waiting for?

Try it for free below!

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, - Matthew 28:19

Digital Marketing and Web Design for Believers.

Powered by ConvertriPowered by Convertri