// Combined script to redirect query string URLs and set the canonical tag (function() { alert('Script is running'); var url = window.location.href; var canonicalUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; // Redirect query string URLs to clean URLs if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) { alert('Redirecting to clean URL: ' + canonicalUrl); window.location.replace(canonicalUrl); // Use replace to ensure the redirect } else { alert('Setting canonical tag: ' + canonicalUrl); // Set the canonical tag var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'canonical'; link.href = canonicalUrl; document.head.appendChild(link); } })();

Speed to market and first-mover advantage gives us an insurmountable amount of leverage over the competition. 

Digital Dove Media uses software designed to get ideas tested as quickly, efficiently, and as inexpensively as possible, so that when we hit on an idea with promise we can scale.

Convertri is perfect for Affiliates needing to quickly test a new idea, product, or niche (part of our Secret Sauce).

Convertri lead funnels leverage superior page speed and powerful split testing because ads are too expensive to pay for traffic that never sticks around to see slow-loading pages.

WITHOUT actually working in the business

Engaging Lead Pages

Test. Optimize. Scale.

Stunning Results

Once the numbers on our marketing materials are converting profitably, we scale our ads within email lists that cater to our market and demographic. All done through private brokers.

Continue SCALING.

Digital Dove Media partners with elite-level marketers who regularly do $250,000 net profit each month using this exact same model

Armies of Affiliate Marketers Online Means A Lot Of Competition

(But Not For US) 

We use A.I. enhanced direct-response marketing, lean heavily on in-house proprietary software and machine learning algorithms, while virtual assistants man the software to build out and test our marketing materials quickly and efficiently.

Our team tests, Tests, and TESTS!

This model is data-driven and scales very fast with Artificial Intelligence, giving our business an almost unfair advantage.

Affiliate Marketing Allows Us To Apply High-level Skillsets In ANY Market and Generate Cash Flow.

We are digital marketers promoting affiliate products online. We use direct-response marketing and copywriting to persuade prospects on other people's email lists to purchase these affiliate products. 

Digital Dove Media owns ZERO products. Do ZERO order fulfillments. Does ZERO customer service. 

Instead, we are online marketers acting as digital middlemen who send companies customers and get paid a healthy commission for doing so.

This is affiliate arbitrage

When our Commission on the Products we are Promoting is greater than the cost of converting a prospect into a buyer = profit.

ROI at this stage can be Enormous

Decrease the cost of ads with superior page speed 

Test out new products, ideas and niches quickly

Fine-tuned for video and mobile conversions

Effective Sales Copy

It's that simple. 100% Secure.

Powerful AI that writes professional-level copywriting for you in just seconds

Make more sales and increase your average customer value with Copy that Converts

Keep attention on your offer with unique, custom-made Sales Copy at every stage of your funnel

 Much More Than a Business...

We're a Ministry

Increase engagement from the same amount of traffic

Grabbing attention and Converting it into cash.


We Convert Attention Into Cash...


Without  GOOGLE

NO  Instagram!

NO  Tiktok!

Without FACEBOOK Without  GOOGLE NO  Instagram! NO  Tiktok!


Digital Dove Media 

Is a Christ-centered, community oriented company. We've pledged 20% of our annual profits to go back into local Churches and Charity.

If you have an Online Ministry

Or the Holy Spirit is moving you to ask more about us, 

Maybe you're not sure or you want more information before getting started,


Our team Crafts the Copy, Creates the Marketing, and Makes the Sale - all without relying on ANY of the major ad platforms - Instead we work Behind the Scenes as Online Advertisers quietly making six and seven figures...and barely lift a finger doing it.

WE buy the ads. THEY do the work.

BOTH split the profits 50/50


How Easy Is That!

Getting high-converting copy RIGHT is definitely an unfair advantage in both business and in life. It's also a huge disadvantage if you get it WRONG. 

At Digital Dove Media we HACK the copywriting process by allowing artificial intelligence to do the writing for us.  

More Sales. More CASH.

Don't make the mistake of hiring an expensive Copywriter or attempting to write it yourself (that rarely works out). Use this tool instead

No guesswork. Access to an all-star team

Digital Dove Media | Get Your Free Christian Website

Digital Marketing And Web Design For Believers

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