// Combined script to redirect query string URLs and set the canonical tag (function() { alert('Script is running'); var url = window.location.href; var canonicalUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; // Redirect query string URLs to clean URLs if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) { alert('Redirecting to clean URL: ' + canonicalUrl); window.location.replace(canonicalUrl); // Use replace to ensure the redirect } else { alert('Setting canonical tag: ' + canonicalUrl); // Set the canonical tag var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'canonical'; link.href = canonicalUrl; document.head.appendChild(link); } })();

JV Partnership




Our Opportunity

Starting and MAINTAINING a brick-and-mortar business is both expensive and time-consuming. While building a business online requires technical expertise and know-how...

DDM has solved these problems.

We’ve decided to go 100% virtual and partner with experts.

Digital Dove owns ZERO products. Does ZERO order fulfillment. We do ZERO customer service. Instead, we are online marketers acting as digital middlemen, advertising affiliate products online via email. We use direct response marketing and copywriting to persuade prospects on other people's email lists to purchase those affiliate products.

In a nutshell...

DDM sends companies customers and gets paid a commission for doing so.

Digital Dove Media will be working directly with a world-class team of experienced entrepreneurs within the Direct-response marketing space. We supply the creative inputs, and their team builds out our business systems for us.

There is no need to master marketing, develop a proven track record within the industry, have any type physical location at all, deal with customer service, or handle the shipping and billing of products.

No need to start from scratch. Partnering with an industry veteran makes Digital Dove profitable almost immediately. 




Joint Venture Partnership.

As a new company, we've negated the industry learning curve by purchasing access to quality mentorship, established business contacts, and experienced direction...

We do this through a JV partnership with Cherrington Media.

Cherrington offers access to both their affiliate business model and an all-star team, all while building Digital Dove a cash-flowing business.

As a JV partner, DDM will immediately benefit from the reputation and working relationships Cherrington Media has cultivated within the digital marketing world over the span of twenty plus years.

For our part...

Digital Dove will be providing the marketing angles and purchasing the ad space within PRIVATE EMAIL LISTS which are already catering to our market and demographic. Once the numbers on our marketing materials are converting profitably WE SCALE.

With a team of virtual assistants using artificial intelligence, media buying algorithms, in-house proprietary software (all while having Cherrington's veterans in place to oversee them), we can do all of this without working in the business.

Digital Dove will be freed up to create new marketing materials and continuously feed them to Cherrington's team, who will then test, optimize, and scale our ads, doing the actual work. 

Digital Dove promotes AFFILIATE PRODUCTS.

And we do it digitally.

Health and Wellness has proven to be the most consistent, reliable, scalable, and profitable market when it comes to promoting affiliate products online.


People are looking for health cures.

People want instant gratification.

People want to solve their problems by popping a pill.

People are also looking for these solutions online.

Health supplements are an easy solution, and market demand for these products is set to increase post-pandemic.

Digital Dove will be marketing to women in the Health and Wellness space. 80% of the money that flows through the internet (and the world) comes from women in their 40s, 50s and 60s.

Health supplements appeal strongly to this demographic, and we will be using the most cost-effective method for getting our promotional messages in front of these women online.

Our position is extremely favorable.

We advertise within Email Lists whom women in their 40s, 50s and 60s have previously opted into. These are women who have proven they are already interested in health and wellness products. They've also previously agreed to receive health-related offers and promotions.

This means our message-to-market is an instant match.

The women on these lists tend to be more responsive, allowing our company to enjoy higher-than-average conversion rates as we are essentially advertising to a ‘warm market’

(Our marketing dollars go farther than our competitors).

High-quality health supplements are in high demand within the 7 trillion-dollar Health and Wellness industry. The online market for these supplements is huge, and marketing them to middle-aged women via email is ideal to grow our company rapidly.

THE OPPORTUNITY is enormous.


We are competing with all other Online Marketers in the affiliate space.

But Digital Dove is head and shoulders above the competition...

Partnering with Cherrington Media gives us huge advantages that other marketers simply don't have access to -

Like the fact that Cherrington having already-established relationships with 7 exclusive VENDOR NETWORKS gives DDM instant access to very favorable deals promoting hundreds of high-converting supplements.

Cherrington enjoys higher commissions on these products after having made tens of millions of dollars in purchases through these Vendor Networks over the years...

And these vendors reward them with higher payouts.

As Cherrington Media’s partner, Digital Dove receives those higher commissions immediately. This means DDM's profit margins are wider than our competition's -


Because of these higher payouts, we can spend more advertising dollars to get a sale and stay profitable.

This is a HUGE advantage in a very competitive market.

But we have even more of an advantage... 

Speed to market.

An elite team of Marketers will be using Cherrington's in-house software to rapidly implement Digital Dove's ideas. Once our ideas are proven, a team of virtual assistants takes over to begin continuously testing and optimizing our marketing materials.

They help us find our WINNERS.

We can then take our Winning Ads and purchase advertising space within private networks of Email List Brokers. In almost real time, these broker networks use algorithms to place our already proven ads in front of ready buyers within our target market.

This is all data-driven and scales both quickly and efficiently.

Other affiliates simply can't compete.

Why Us?


Adam Cherrington is a twenty-year plus veteran in the online marketing world. He's spent most of that time operating in the direct-response landscape focusing specifically on email advertising. He is the best in this field having deep insights and specialized experience within this very specific niche.

Adam has found that within email marketing affiliate arbitrage works best. A joint venture with Cherrington Media opens up MASSIVE opportunities for us within this very specific marketing space.

Digital Dove is essentially an idea factory in this partnership.

We're responsible for crafting compelling and persuasive copy. Words that resonate with our target market and motivate them to buy. 

Following Adam's lead Digital Dove also promotes affiliate offers via email. The marketing materials Digital Dove creates are deployed within PRIVATE EMAIL BROKER NETWORKS.

To give you an idea of the sheer SCALE within this marketing channel:

Each Broker within each Network manages hundreds of email lists.

Each email list can have millions of subscribers on them.

All these subscribers consist of warm prospects within our demographic and market.

These Broker Networks have their own algorithms which place our winners in front of the right buyers at the right time...

Meaning higher conversion rates, more sales, and More commissions.

As the health supplement market is only set to continue growing as more women move online to buy health products in a post-pandemic world. The potential is huge.

Normally it would take a startup company years to establish themselves within the Digital Marketing space and enjoy these kinds of advantages, however, DDM is paying to partner with Adam and his team to get fast results. 

This is a proven system with years of success behind it.


In the digital marketing space, the more INITIAL CAPITAL you have, the more testing you can do. The more testing you do, the more Winning Marketing Materials you can find quickly.

Producing numerous winners through testing lets us scale our most profitable assets, while having a large capital reserve allows us to slam high converting campaigns with ad spend... magnifying profit EXPONENTIALLY and allowing Digital Dove to ROI early in the process.

Months 1 - 3 are "losing to gain" as we spend money failing forward.

MONTH 1 During the First Month we look for and identify marketing materials that appear promising. But until we split test and optimize those promising iterations, breakeven is a best-case scenario.

It's perfectly normal to lose money during the testing phase as we begin to create and test your marketing materials.

MONTH 2 Although we will typically go into Month 2 in the red due to the cost of testing to find a winner, we DO have a winner now, and can expect to see a bit of profit as we start running traffic to these converting ads.

MONTH 3 Taking into consideration that we should be making money in month 2, the goal going into Month 3 is to get our bank account back to where we started (Break Even).

However, we have now gotten through the testing phase,

Spent the money to find our winners,

and recouped our losses.

NOW we can dedicate more money towards running traffic to our Winning Marketing Materials.

DDM’s function as a business, as entrepreneurs, and as creatives are to feed ideas to the team of marketers and virtual assistants at Cherrington Media.

They do the bulk of the work by building out our ideas, and free up our time to come up with more hooks and angles for continuous testing. With the team doing 80% of the work, our initial time investment at Digital Dove Media would be 2-4 hours per day.

Financing Needed

Digital Dove Media is looking for investors.

Our offer is a joint venture partnership between yourself and Digital Dove Media. To get started with us, Digital Dove is asking a minimum $150,000 initial investment. $500,000 is optimal.

You put up the cash. We do the work.

With Cherrington Media, DDM is partnering with a team ALREADY doing $250,000-$500,000k per month in Net Profit. DDM will be entitled to 50% of whatever profits we generate together.

Funding this venture gets you 20% of my 50/50 split for 2 years (5 years if you come in with anything over $250,000).

This means a possible low to mid five-figure income stream for you each month.

When you partner with Digital Dove Media, know that you will be allocating capital into an investment that does not require either of us to hold assets.

We are very lean as a company with little overhead, operating within a digital environment, making us very adaptable and extremely resilient - able to pivot if needed. 

Staying lean and working within our specialized marketing channels minimizes outside risk such as a down market or a sudden change in the business landscape..

We're superior to more conventional investments which are right now susceptible to the recent economic downturn that erased $35 trillion in wealth. THIS BUSINESS MODEL WAS NOT EFFECTED.

Digital Dove is directing capital, time and resources into the most optimal system that will give our company the best chance of a homerun ROI. We work smart.

While other investments also require you to take on risk. Not this one. This model has a favorable statistical edge built in. We make decisions based on data and evidence. It's simply math.

For the initial cost of $150,000 and up: Digital Dove Media (working alongside Cherrington) will launch and grow this affiliate marketing business FOR US: saving you from having to master marketing, learn online advertising, deal with a bunch of tools or tech, build yourselves a team, or even run your own business.


Cherrington will build out our business systems, our team, and do all the tech work while we supply the creatives - then we BOTH split the profits 50/50.

You are buying 20% of that 50/50 split with Cherrington.

YOU supply the startup capital. WE do the hard stuff. YOU sit back and collect a healthy check each month. Partnering with Digital Dove is just good business.


People are looking for Health Cures. People are looking for INSTANT GRATIFICATION.

People want to pop a pill to solve their problems. People are going online to find solutions.

HEALTH SUPPLEMENTS check off all the boxes.

Health Supplements are in high demand. Especially in a post-pandemic world. However, despite the growing demand for supplements, brick and mortar businesses usually have razor-thin profit margins on the sale of supplements and cannot afford to advertise them profitably.

Not so with us.

Digital Dove Media does things differently. 

Essentially, we're digital middlemen. We DO NOT own a product or service of our own. Instead, we send businesses customers by promoting their products online, and we3get paid a handsome commission for doing so.

When our commission on the products we are promoting is greater than the cost of converting a prospect into a buyer = profit.  This is called an AFFILIATE ARBITRAGE business model.

Digital Dove has decided to build this model out digitally. And there are advantages for doing so.

We have very little overhead and enjoy higher profit margins because of that.

Additionally, when we deploy our business model within the Virtual Marketing Channel we advertise in, there is:

NO need to master complicated funnel-building platforms.

NO need to learn to build full websites on WordPress.

NO need to create a product or service.

NO need to be dependent on Merchant Services such as Stripe and PayPal.

NO need to provide Customer Support Services.

Building a digital business is easier to build, more predictable, and QUICKLY SCALABLE.

Digital Dove Media is also a B2B company. 

NO need to have a following online and NO need to build a list or have an existing audience base either. In fact, we work behind the scenes in the industry -

No one really needs to know who we are.

And we can do all this profitably at massive scale.


Even with DDM side-stepping the hurdles mentioned above, breaking into the Digital Marketing space can still be extremely difficult. As a startup, Digital Dove Media deals with this issue by partnering with established industry veterans.

That's Cherrington Media.



Problem and Solution

Problems worth solving

Our solutions to advertising these affiliate offers PROFITABLY at scale are simple:

Strategy and Partnership. 

Our strategy is built around Direct-Response marketing. 

We master the art of converting attention into cash using tried and true Direct Response Marketing principles. We track the market's response to our messages and make calculated decisions based on measured data.

DDM is partnering with Cherrington Media to help us deploy this strategy.

Cherrington brings to the table industry experience, business contacts, a long track record of success within our niche, veteran coaches, a team of seasoned virtual assistants, specialized software, as well as access to private affiliate vendors and exclusive marketing channels.

Adam and his team have tried it all...

And after 20 years of experience, Adam has found EMAIL to be the best marketing channel for consistency, reliability, scale, and good ol’ fashioned profit.

Why email?

Higher conversion rates -

and scalability.

There is NO real limit to the amount of media space we can buy within email traffic channels, and we can do it all without worrying about Google or Facebook compliance, because these email ad placements are privately owned and tend to be more liberal with the marketing they allow.


But the market IS ever-changing, and our demographic WILL resonate with different messaging at different times. And that messaging NEEDS to be world-class persuasive each time a prospect sees it in order to convert them into a customer.

The sheer volume of professional-level marketing that needs to be produced and market-tested in order to find what works NOW is staggering (and only a handful of elite copywriters get it right consistently).

But we have found solutions. Using A.I. we become prolific.

With A.I.-enhanced copywriting programs we can continuously craft fresh, new marketing angles to test. These marketing angles provide the frameworks for our ad placements.

Once we find a marketing angle that looks promising, that marketing needs to be TESTED in the marketplace to gather data. We cut the losers and scale the winners.

One after the other until we find the HOME RUNS.

Normally, this would take hundreds of man-hours and months to accomplish, but we need to do it fast and at scale. 

We solve this problem employing 27 Virtual Assistants.

Next. We automate the parts of the strategy that move the needle most.

Cherrington gives us access to their team of dedicated, dependable, talented, and hard-working virtual assistants who begin building, testing, and scaling out our campaigns FOR US. These VAs are professionals at Design, HTML, Web coding, and Copywriting, completing these tasks remotely.

Cherrington also has built in-house Proprietary Software which allows one team member to single-handedly produce the work of 30 employees, saving us hundreds of hours in the process and countless thousands of hours over time. 

Do we NEED ads created?

Maybe we NEED landing pages built? 

Or NEED help understanding the numbers once traffic starts?

Graphic design? Web development? Media buying and more?


Anything needed can and should be tasked to the team. Marketing materials are then curated, tested, and reviewed by veteran marketers at Cherrington Media before going live.

Having this team and system in place ensures that as a new company Digital Dove Media reaches profitability quickly. OUTSOURCING most of the actual work frees up our time as entrepreneurs to consistently steer the ship in the direction of our vivid vision.

Our Solution

Target Market

Market Size and Segments

Digital Dove Media markets within the Health and Wellness Space.

The Health and Wellness markets are consistent, reliable, scalable, and profitable.

Within the Health and Wellness space we specifically promote Health Supplements. Health Supplements “rule the net” being a 300 billion market projected to grow rapidly in a post-pandemic world -

Our JV partnership with Cherrington Media comes with access to supplement suppliers.

Cherrington already has deals with 7 EXCLUSIVE AFFILIATE VENDORS, giving Digital Dove Media instant access to hundreds of health supplements via this venture partnership.

Adam has a stellar working-relationship with these vendors, having previously run tens of millions of dollars in sales through them consistently. Digital Dove is privileged to take advantage of Cherrington's business connections from the very start.

NO hunting for products to promote. 

Also thanks to this JV partnership, we enjoy auto-approval with these suppliers (RARE).

Once we choose a product and vendor we want to work with, we begin promoting our offers to a very specific niche: WOMEN OVER 40.

80% of money that flows through the internet (and the world) comes from women in their 40s, 50s and 60s, and we will be promoting our affiliate offers to this demographic. DDM will also be utilizing the most cost-effective method for getting in front of 40+ women buying Health Supplements online. That's EMAIL MARKETING.


Current Alternatives

Current alternatives to our methods are various DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS such as Facebook, Google, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, Etc. Other online marketers CAN and DO present their own affiliate offers on these mainstream platforms -

Competition can be fierce.

There is FAR LESS competition within email advertising.

Email Marketing is an almost underground marketing channel that DDM leverages. Advertising within this very non-mainstream marketing space really sets our results apart from the rest.

Again, thanks to our Joint Venture partnership with Cherrington, Digital Dove Media has instant working relationships with very exclusive Email List Brokers.

The public generally does not have access to them.

Normally, one would have to prove themselves over a long period of time, demonstrating previous results as an affiliate marketer, and providing proof in the form of screenshots before being allowed to advertise within these Broker lists.


With Cherrington as a partner, not only is DDM auto-approved to promote within these Broker Networks, but we're even assigned a personal concierge as a VIP Client.

It gets even better...

The majority of the time, Cherrington will be dealing with the email list managers ON OUR BEHALF, as well as running our campaigns FOR US. There is NO need to spend decades mastering business skills and NO real competition within our industry -

Instead, Digital Dove is teaming up with the best.

The fact that we are working with Marketing Veterans who specialize in advertising within Email Lists which are specifically catering to women in the Health and Wellness space...

Are using AI, Machine Learning, in-house Software, and very powerful Algorithms to quickly produce high-converting marketing materials...

Then handing those marketing materials off to a WORLD CLASS TEAM... 

All while a small army is testing and retesting our ideas with both speed and accuracy means we're light-years ahead of the competition from the very beginning...

Other affiliates simply can't keep up.

Having this strategy and partnership in place, we can build a recession-proof, cash-flowing business in a very short amount of time with very little up-front capital and almost no risk.

It's a no-brainer.

Our Advantages


We piggyback off working relationships within the industry that took Cherrington Media over 20 years to find, establish, cultivate, nourish, grow and build. They are ALL immediately accessible to our company through this Joint Venture.

We've already mentioned how partners of Cherrington Media get auto-approval with high-end Affiliate Suppliers. Meaning we get instant access to hundreds of high converting offers not usually available to startups ready for DDM to begin promoting immediately. 

We simply find a supplement within the network we'd like to promote, then advertise these supplements to 40 + women through Private Email List Brokers.

We talked about how using Cherrington's custom In-house Software (created specifically for this unique business model) allows us to get our ideas created and tested as quickly, efficiently, and cheaply as possible... speeding up our process EXPONENTIALLY.

We also mentioned how 27 of Cherrington's Virtual Assistants will be manning this In-house software. VA's who are ready and waiting to begin building out DDM's marketing. VA's who will also run, test, and scale our campaigns, all while interpreting and translating the data for us -

Like we said...

Other companies struggle to keep up.

And there's more.

Digital Dove Media is also given access to what Adam calls his "Responsive rolodex of underground online traffic sources."

These are the Private Email List Brokers he and his team at Cherrington use to personally generate on average $450,000 net-profit per month within. We buy our online traffic from these same lists. 

And there is MORE than plenty to go around. In fact, within these marketing channels, Cherrington has found there is:

NO saturation.

NO ad or audience fatigue.

NO competition creeping in.

Ad-buying traffic jams simply don’t exist.

The available inventory is MASSIVE.

Keep in mind that we are running our ads within email lists already catering to our market and demographic. We consider this to be what's called a WARM MARKET.

These prospects buy more. And they buy more often.

Our job as marketers is to Ethically Persuade our prospects to TAKE ACTION by purchasing something they already wanted and will positively benefit their lives. That's done through good copywriting.

REMEMBER. Private advertising platforms also tend to be more liberal with the ad content they allow, meaning we can write extremely persuasive copy. The women on these lists tend to be hyper-responsive to these types of messages and are already willing to spend money to solve their problems.

This translates into higher-than-average conversion rates. More sales. MORE CASH.

But there is EVEN MORE.

Don't forget that these Private Email List Brokers are part a digital network. And that this Network uses extremely powerful algorithms to put the RIGHT AD, in front of the RIGHT PERSON, on the RIGHT email list, at just the RIGHT time. Once we find marketing materials that convert profitably, we can hand them over to the algorithm and set the campaign on autopilot.

Our job is to feed our best marketing inputs to the Network's algorithm. This algorithm then takes over, optimizing the chances that a high number of customers respond to our ads and purchase our offer.

HIGH conversion rates coupled with WIDE profit margins means that we will be advertising winning offers right from the start. 

Again, it's just math.

At this point...

The more cash you have in reserves. The more profit you make. PERIOD.

When you can put $1 IN and get $3 OUT?

You are going to want to do that as much as possible.

More Good News...

We get Personalized Mentorship while we do it.

Digital Dove also has direct access to a team of 9 veteran entrepreneurs at Cherrington Media. They are there to both answer any questions and give valuable insights into the industry.

No guesswork.

Digital Dove can leverage powerful tools and teams to build out, test, and run our marketing materials both quickly and efficiently. Within a business model that's data-driven and can scale very fast.

We have Speed to Market and First Mover advantages...

Are leveraging very lucrative, private working-relationships within the industry...

Use extremely persuasive A.I. enhanced direct-response marketing techniques within our messaging...

Lean heavily on both in-house proprietary software and machine-learning algorithms to place our ads in front of hyper-responsive buyers...

And have a small army of VAs to do the actual work for us, as well as a team of seasoned veterans at Cherrington in place to oversee it all?

It's obvious. 

Digital Dove Media enjoys an almost unfair advantage.


Marketing and Sales

Marketing Plan

We promote our offers online via private email lists.

There's NO opt-in necessary...

NO Facebook group to join...

We don't have a PDF to download... 

Or a Video Course to take...

NO list-building needed... And NO sending followup emails either...

While other entrepreneurs spend many years and countless amounts of cash building up their lists online, with the intention of using their email lists as a Personal Virtual Marketing Channel -

We've decided to take a different approach at Digital Dove Media.

Instead, we find people who already have the Big Lists of Subscribers within our market, 

then we run ads inside the emails they're already sending out.

This way, we can side-step having to dedicate the massive amounts of time, energy, and resources required to build relationships with these potential customers over time. That means NO collecting and storing emails in an auto responder. And NO list management either.

We don't do any of that.

We let other people build and manage the lists.

There are vast amounts of large email lists and the audiences on them are gigantic, with many lists having 1,000,000+ subscribers. Scale is absolutely ENORMOUS.

There is ample inventory of ad space within email newsletters being mailed to these lists (with lots of email newsletters being sent out daily). 

By placing our ads within these emails -

We can get in front of these huge audiences almost instantly.

Unlimited supply means NO market saturation. List Owners also “clean” their lists regularly, meaning our ads are only shown to the most responsive audiences. That translates into higher conversion rates and more sales.

Email traffic is “warmer” than most sources of traffic.

Prospects have already opted in to receive related information from the list owner, making the audience more receptive to relevant ads placed within that email.

Email also means that we don’t mess with complicated, ever-changing platforms like Google or Facebook. NO ad restrictions for us.

Unlike Facebook or Google…

List Owners are more lenient with the types of ads run inside their lists. (FB bans accounts regularly). With private email placements, ads DO NOT get rejected and accounts DO NOT get shut down.

Bottom line?

Email gives us the quickest ROI, can scale dramatically, and dollar for dollar is the best channel for Paid Advertising. And we do it all BEHIND THE SCENES. No getting canceled.

Within the Digital Marketing world email ad placements are relatively unknown as a marketing channel, are considered "underground", and really take insider knowledge to get in. Having access to them gives Digital Dove Media a HUGE insider advantage over other marketers.

List Owners love to sell ad space inside their emails...

And by placing promotional ads for our affiliate products inside of emails sent out to millions of women, 40 plus, within the health and wellness space, who have previously shown interest in supplements...

WE CAN EASILY turn our advertising dollars into profit with each sale made.

Our partnership with Cherrington includes 100’s of exclusive email list sources to advertise in through List Management Companies, Brokers, Networks, and Publishers, and because Adam and his team are experts at email ads with over 20 years’ experience and tens of millions of dollars behind them within this niche -

ALL of these sources will allow Digital Dove Media to place ads within their email newsletters.

This is a very RARE opportunity.

Sales Plan

Digital Dove Media employs a three-stage testing process to sift through the marketing materials being created and convert only the best-of-the-best to paid Ads.

A typical timeline would look like this

Weeks 1-2 

Begin by researching the ad-buying landscape and choosing a product to promote.

Digital Dove will then work with a professional Copywriter on Cherrington's team, as well as their VA’s, to build out our Marketing Materials (Copy, Images, Ads, and Landing pages).

Goal by the end of week 2 is to have our marketing materials created and ready for traffic.

Weeks 3-6 

Start Quality control. We submit our marketing materials for compliance reviews before going live. These QA reviews are strategically placed throughout our roadmap. Once QC milestones are hit, we begin week 3 by running our first paid ads. 

The first stage of testing ads typically takes a few weeks and Push Ads are the best Traffic Source to start. This traffic source serves as a testing ground and will help us test our ads and landing pages as inexpensively as possible.

Our goal here is to find the marketing materials which are ready to scale.

By the end of week 6, we will have converting ads, landing pages, and copy tested and ready to scale up. We will continue testing during weeks 7-9 using the winning Ads and Landing Pages from our Push ads (we always keep working on dialing in our marketing by continuously testing).

Weeks 7-9

We begin making our first profits by week 7. Now running already proven marketing materials inside of Sponsorship Emails. At the end of week 9, we want to have our materials polished up, optimized, and tested with the intention of bringing the best of the best to Dedicated.

By this time significant revenue and profit have now been generated via email sponsorships, and our new goal is to scale our campaign using Dedicated Emails.

The goal is to fine tune our marketing 100% in preparation for scaling up even further.

Weeks 10-12 

We SCALE UP with Dedicated Emails. 

Inventory pool here is huge, dwarfing traffic on both Facebook and Google making them look like small fries in the ad buying game. To give you an idea of the potential:

There are dozens of email list Brokers.

Each Broker is a rep for thousands of lists.

Each list has millions of subscribers on them.

This means as marketers buying ad space, there are 10’s of millions of warm buyers to place our proven winners in front of -

Dedicated emails are like an untapped, blue ocean for traffic - and Digital Dove Media purchases ad space in them using sources which are little-known and not easily found through a Google search.

Cherrington shares these sources during our joint venture.

These proven list sources have been curated by Cherrington's team, and there's NO LIMIT to the amount of Dedicated Email space we can buy.

Once a campaign is converting profitably, we hand it over to the network's algorithm and set it on AUTOPILOT. We allow the machine to put our ads in front of subscribers within the network's email lists at just the right time to optimize the chance those subscribers will make a purchase.

At this point we simply monitor our cash flow.

Rinse n repeat weeks 1-12 

With either a new product or marketing angle. We can build multiple offers, and these offers can be running congruently as this is a REPEATABLE process.


Location and Facilities

Building and maintaining a Physical Business from the ground up is very difficult, time-consuming, and costly to do. Our startup has decided to go COMPLETELY DIGITAL to avoid these issues.

Digital Dove Media is a 100% virtual business.

We DO NOT hire regular employees.

We DO NOT own any physical products.

We DO NOT cultivate and curate the lists of customers we sell to.

No customer service, no shipping, no physical location at all. All communications are done over the web via ZOOM calls, email, private messaging, and most of our work is done in the cloud.

Our team is remote...

Our partners are remote...

We advertise online...

And we pair with Virtual Assistants oversees. 

DDM is a CARBON-NUETRAL company.

Our business is cash-flow positive within months, is completely digital, runs virtually, and is environmentally responsible.


Adam spent over $700,000 to develop the Proprietary Software that makes this business model run (Secret sauce). This software is tailor-made for what we are doing, and our entire strategy is built around this Proprietary Software. 

Each piece of Cherrington's software is:


Bug free.

And Easy to use.

Using Adam's software allows each member of our Remote Team to do the work of 30 employees in days instead of months.

Speed to market and First-mover Advantage gives us an insurmountable amount of leverage over the competition. 

When the software shows that we've hit on an idea with promise we can SCALE very quickly.

To give you an idea of the potential we're talking about here -

Cherrington Media is using this exact software to average $250,000 per month in net profit. DDM is plugging into Cherrington's systems and implementing the very same strategy and tools they're using to produce these kinds of numbers.

Equipment and Tools

Digital Dove Media runs our entire business from a laptop and an internet connection. When we aren't working from a laptop, we can get most of our work done on a smartphone. Great apps. Good internet security. A professional-grade headset to take business calls on, a decent backpack, and reliable 5G cellular service keeps us mobile and nimble.


DDM is a low-impact company.


Milestones and Metrics

Research and Ad Creation

We research the ad buying landscape.

We choose a product to promote.

Begin working with a professional Copywriter and team of VA’s to build out marketing. Goal is to have our marketing materials created and ready for traffic.

Quality Control

We research the ad buying landscape.

We choose a product to promote.

Begin working with a professional Copywriter and team of VA’s to build out marketing. Goal is to have our marketing materials created and ready for traffic.

First Paid Ads Test

Goal is to find our winning ads and landing pages that produce a profit.

Begin week 2 by running our first paid ads test.

Mentor shows us the best traffic source to start with.

Test our marketing materials as inexpensive as possible.

Split Testing

Our goal is to have winning ads/landing pages/copy tested and ready to scale up.

We make our first profits running already proven marketing materials inside Sponsorship Emails.

Continue to test and optimize our marketing.

Find Winning Marketing Materials

Begin dialing in our marketing 100% in preparation for scaling up further with Dedicated Emails.

We want to have our materials polished up and further tested with the idea of bringing the best of the best to Dedicated emails.

Scale Homerun Marketing Angle

Scale Up winning marketing materials with Dedicated Emails.

Understand and master the process.

NO LIMIT to the amount of Dedicated Email space you can buy. Enormous inventory.

Begin Building New Marketing Campaign

Our goal is to have winning ads/landing pages/copy tested and ready to scale up.

We make our first profits running already proven marketing materials inside Sponsorship Emails.

Continue to test and optimize our marketing.

Key Metrics

We promote Most Efficiently based on TESTING:

We test everything. We test everything in detail.  And we test those details often -

We test using proprietary software and machine learning algorithms...cutting the losers QUICKLY before identifying and then SCALING UP our winners.

Neither Sponsorship nor Dedicated Emails are cost-effective for testing, so we take a 3-phase approach to traffic campaigns in order to find those high-converting offers.

(Phase 1) Push Ads

We test our marketing materials as inexpensively as possible by starting out within Push Ads. Push Ads are inexpensive to test, so we start with these.

Costs range from $ .15 - $ .30 per click.

Cherrington's in-house ad platform makes buying Push traffic simple while optimizing our ads. 

(Phase 2) Email Sponsorships

We now scale up our promising assets from our Push testing using Sponsorship emails. Sponsorship Ads inside of emails are often tucked away under content in a newsletter.

More expensive than Push Ads, they are still cheaper than Dedicated Emails, ranging from $ .50 - $1.20 per click.

Spending $5,000 per day @ 50% ROI is possible at this stage.

Our first profits are seen here. 

(Phase 3) Dedicated Emails

We scale up again with our best assets from Email Sponsorships, running ONLY the most proven ads and landing pages. Because Dedicated Email ads are expensive.

They're expensive due to the fact that 100% of the real estate in the email being sent out is exclusive to our advertising content.

Dedicated Emails cost between $1.50 - $3.00 per click.

The amount of traffic with Dedicated is exponentially larger than with Sponsorships. Spending $50,000 per day on traffic @ 30% ROI is possible.

Ad spend at this point can reach 7 figures per month.

We now rinse and repeat with a new marketing angle or campaign.

Ideally, we would want to constantly have a dozen or so offers being tested at various points of our 3-stage process, while scaling up the converting campaigns, and running new marketing angles within existing winners simultaneously.



Ownership and Structure

Digital Dove Media is a single-member LLC. Justin McMillen is the sole owner and operator of the company. Owning 100%

DDM is agreeing to a two-year Joint Venture Partnership with Cherrington Media (with an option to extend another two years if so desired). 

Cherrington has offered to partner with Digital Dove for a percentage of the profit. As a startup, we're looking to direct time, capital and resources into a system which allows our company to grow both quickly and profitably.

A joint venture with Cherrington gives DDM instant access to that system.

It's a perfect match. 

This partnership with Cherrington Media provides us with the depth, specificity, expertise, and experience that Adam and his team bring to the table. 

With Cherrington I will be working with a team doing $250,000-$500,000k per month in Net Profit. 


This joint venture also allows Digital Dove to be profitable almost immediately, WITHOUT having to master marketing, learn online advertising, deal with a bunch of tools or tech, or build a team to run our business. There's NO need to master skills and NO serious competition either.

Instead, Cherrington will launch and grow this affiliate marketing business for us. WE craft and buy the ads. THEY do the work. We BOTH split the profits.


Management Team

Justin McMillen will be managing Digital Dove Media's work.

I am a Do-it-Yourself go-getter, with stellar copywriting and marketing talent. I've invested in my skills, my knowledge, my abilities, and my mindset. I possess resilience as well as endurance. I am personally focused, committed and will not give up.

At Cherrington Media will be a team of seasoned, marketing veterans who will oversee their day-to-day operations.

Having access to Adam's team brings with it; Depth, Specificity, Expertise, Experience, Direction, Professional Relationships, and a Business Model which allows me to leverage my skill sets.

More than a partnership this is good quality MENTORSHIP.


Adam Cherrington has developed a DEEP Mastery by focusing exclusively on affiliate marketing VIA EMAILS since 2006.

This has given him unique insights, and he has accumulated secrets that are specific to the affiliate marketing industry and this unique model. 

Adam is also a Christian. And a serial entrepreneur.

A big part of building this mentorship program for Adam was to give back and help to improve people’s lives. For me this is not just a business partnership, this is a true mentorship opportunity with one of the best entrepreneurs in the world.

And a man I share my faith with.

Cherrington brings to the table a proven system, prior experience, proprietary software, and access to a team of high-level mentors who will be personally putting their hands in our business every day. Digital Dove will have all the professional advice we'll ever need.

For a 50/50 split of the profits, the value far exceeds the price. 

PRICE is what you pay. VALUE is what you get.



Key Assumptions

Digital Dove Media does Algorithmic Media Buying 

Meaning we make machine-learning-enhanced decisions when we purchase Ad Space within emails. So once we've dialed in our marketing to where it's successful - the machine takes over and begins to buy FOR US.

This Machine-learning algorithm is provided by the MEDIA NETWORK. We lean heavily on the network's algorithm to find the best place on their platform to make a sale.

OUR JOB is to supply that network's algorithm with our best inputs (marketing materials). Once we supply the Network with an input that's converting... We simply give the machine the goals that we want to hit, and the algorithm goes out and does the hard work.


We can still control the percentage of ad space market share we take up by either Increasing or Decreasing the amount of capital we funnel into a particular ad campaign at any given time.

We want to stay around 3% Share of Market Voice. Meaning the target audience is seeing our campaign 3% of the time. Our traffic source is so massive, that we can stay at 3% of share of voice and STILL be spending $40 - $70k a day in ad spend.  

These metrics are typical around month 9.


These ad campaigns are not linear. They experience exponential growth once we start to scale.

IDEALLY, we want to have a large amount of cash sitting in reserves, so that as we optimize these campaigns, and hit on a HOMERUN marketing angle - one which produces huge returns, we can DUMP that large cash reserve into our winner. Large cash reserves allow us to "Strike while the iron is hot!"

Month 10 sees SIX-FIGURE ad spend MONTHS, and FIVE-FIGURE ad spend DAYS. 

And at these numbers we WILL begin to see some ad fatigue. It's simple. The more money we spend on a winning campaign the faster it'll fatigue. When winning ads DO begin to fatigue, we'll simply start testing and scaling new marketing assets.

A typical timeline for a campaign getting started would look like this.

Month 1 - Testing

Month 2 - Optimizing

Month 3 - Scaling

Month 4 - Go time

Month 5 - Go time

Month 6 - Go time

Month 7 - Go time

Month 8 - Go time

Month 9 - Fatigue

Month 10 - Fatigue

Month 11 - Testing

Month 12 - Optimize

Around month 8 our profitability percentage will begin to decline with ad fatigue: however, our actual profit will INCREASE because we will have a lot more cash to roll into the ads from the prior months' profits...

It's a positive feedback loop.

Once we're making legitimate, consistent revenue... we can either begin to take a percentage of the profits for ourselves, start drawing a salary, or choose not to take any money at all and continue to reinvest the profits into our winning ad campaigns.

We have options. 

IDEALLY, we want to have 10 different marketing angles going at once. Our goal here is to see 3 or 4 (out of 10) of these marketing angles become winners. This way, the overall marketing campaign takes a lot longer to fatigue and eventually die out.

The idea is to have the new angles running alongside the original ad campaign as it fizzles out. OR we could always come up with a completely new marketing angle and begin a new campaign.

All of this is tracked and executed within the Network.

At this point, we simply check in to see the progress of our campaign, spending most of our time doing quality control; making sure landing pages load correctly, that links aren't broken, and monitoring cash flows.

Use of Funds


$50,000 to partner with Cherrington, gain access Adam's team and software, and fund our virtual assistants.

$50,000 goes towards creating our best copy / marketing materials, running ads, and testing. 

$50,000 operating expenses, software / hardware upgrades, and to draw a salary from until we reach profitability (typically 4-6 months).

Any excess money will sit in our cash reserves until we hit on a homerun marketing angle. Once the numbers are converting right. We can SLAM it with ad spend and reap EXPONENTIAL PROFITS.


Sources of Funds

Digital Dove Media is currently seeking funding.

We are offering a JV Partnership opportunity to private investors.

High-level investing is about capital allocation, and we feel Digital Dove Media is a great place to put your money. We are superior to more conventional investments, which require you to take on more risk rather than going with our Business Model (which is much less risky).


With Digital Dove you're allocating capital into an investment that:

Generates cash flow.

Does not require you as the investor to hold assets.

And minimizes outside risk such as a down market (other investments are susceptible to the recent economic downturn that erased $35 trillion in wealth and the looming recession). 

For $150,000 in startup capital, I'm offering a two-year agreement with an option to get bought out after 9 months. Five years (with a buy out option after 24 months) for any investment above $250,000. 

You're buying 20% of a 50/50 split of MY OWN profits with Cherrington Media. 

Digital Dove Media will run the business, YOU pay for the ads and initial setup.

Digital Dove Media does all the work. Partnering directly with Cherrington,

YOU sit back and collect a check.

When you fund our venture WE will split my cut of potential 5 to 6-figure monthly net profits 80/20.

Starting investment is $150,000. $250,000 is ideal. $500,000 is optimal.

The more capital we have, the more testing we can do.

The more testing we can do, the faster we can find our high-converting campaigns. Once those winners are optimized, we can then slam these home runs with huge amounts of cash reserves and magnify our profits exponentially.


Here at Digital Dove Media, we're playing the long game with our goal being to build a long-term, cash-flowing business.

If you're looking to invest in a company run by people who are personally focused, committed to success and will not give up you've found it.


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