// Combined script to redirect query string URLs and set the canonical tag (function() { alert('Script is running'); var url = window.location.href; var canonicalUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + window.location.pathname; // Redirect query string URLs to clean URLs if (url.indexOf('?') !== -1) { alert('Redirecting to clean URL: ' + canonicalUrl); window.location.replace(canonicalUrl); // Use replace to ensure the redirect } else { alert('Setting canonical tag: ' + canonicalUrl); // Set the canonical tag var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'canonical'; link.href = canonicalUrl; document.head.appendChild(link); } })();

Shepherds in the Body of Christ.

As an evangelist in our modern digital world, you're probably interested in crafting clearer, more compassionate and deeply compelling CHRIST-CENTERED messages online...

Ones that attract those seeking answers in Messiah to both your ministry and Salvation in Christ

You're looking to...

Testify of God's goodness and grace

Share powerful revelations of the Holy Spirit with others

And praise His glory to the world



Or maybe you’re a Pastor just looking to provide more fulfilling experiences for visitors to your ministry's website?

AWESOME experiences.

Ones that are worthy of Him


You more than likely have NO IDEA where to start and you're overwhelmed by New Tech right?


At Digital Dove Media WE GET THAT OURSEVES

Don't worry

I'm here to help

But first things first. I'm sure you'd like to know

WHO am I? WHAT am I all about? 


WHY am I doing this? 

Fair enough

My name is Justin David. I'm a Born-again Believer. A child of the Most High in Messiah Yeshua. I follow Jesus Christ and serve Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...

ISREALITE Christian. A New Creation

Logo of Digital Dove Media LLC, featuring a stylized icon of a flaming dove, representing the Holy Spirit, soaring above two entwined white letter D's. The dove and D's together create a distinctive symbol, with the text 'Digital Dove Media' positioned to the right. This logo represents our identity as a Christian marketing agency dedicated to assisting shepherds in the Body of Christ in enhancing their online ministries.

Finding people who both specialize in Digital Marketing and are looking to serve the Christian Community are few and far between. 

NOT SO with me

I'm part of the Church

A simple white cross centered on a dark blue background, representing a symbol of faith and Christianity.


Technology has become so intuitive and user-friendly these days that building out these rich online experiences are much Much easier than ever before

Anyone who can write an email, send a text, or post a pic can start using these powerful new tools to up their ministry's game almost immediately

If you're interested in finding out more...

Digital Dove Media invites you to learn how to create more IMMERSIVE and ENGAGING online experiences below using Convertri

This is the very same platform we're using to build out our own business and ministry (you're free to use what you choose)

Because for better or worse, we need to take the Good News of the Gospel to where people are at -

and today that's online

YES below is a link to our Sales Page, and YES we do get a small commission at no extra charge to you if you sign up...

BUT I'M ONLY pointing you in Convertri's direction because I Absolutely Believe that they're the best out there right now for what we're trying to do: PREACH

So we're partnering with them

If you do decide to check it out?

THEN PLEASE do me a favor

As you read what they're all about on the next page - 

Keep in mind how each of the benefits Convertri has to offer can be used to both IMPROVE and ENHANCE your own Ministry's online presence

Get creative with it. Get inspired by the possibilities! 

Get Convertri and start grabbing people's attention online,


Either pass it on to your congregation's media team, OR roll up your sleeves and enjoy building something online for God's glory

And YES anyone can learn this

They've made things super easy my friends (even I can do it lol)

Convertri is Drag n Drop simple (did I mention even I can do it?)

Every website you build on their platform is Highly Secure, with SSL included standard (meaning you won't get hacked)

They provide in-depth training via How-to-vids if you need them, and they've also got a great community (so you won't get lost)

Your Christian Website's load times are going to be blistering FAST (Even with high-res pics and HD video)

That means Beautiful, Inspiring, and Stunning visuals for your Online Ministry that both grab n hold attention for Jesus

People will love it

That being said...


You don't know me from Adam. But straight up, it's not about me and quite frankly, it's not about you either

We both know this is about Him, and reaching those out there with hearts inclined to follow Christ

They could be anyone

Let's work together to find them

By using the tools we use ourselves you are helping to support our work. THANK YOU in advance if you choose to do so my brothers and sisters in Christ. It's this kind of support that allows DDM to continue serving the Body of Believers going forward,

So simply take a look

If you do and decide it's not for you? 

The Golden Nuggets you'll get will still apply using other tools too,


Take what you learn after reading about Convertri on the next page and by all means run with it if you like...

You don't NEED TO at all... but we hope you go with us :) 


A little more about who I am

Digital Dove Media is a for-profit company that doubles as a ministry

We're just getting started now, but our end game is to eventually become self-funded and be able to provide the Body with good high-quality teachings and trainings...

100% FREE of charge

NOPE. Digital Dove Media doesn't want anything that the Holy Spirit doesn't move you to provide


Don't just take my word for it...

Bring it before the Lord for confirmation

Then decide.

Our mission here at Digital Dove is to serve tolerant, welcoming, non-judgmental ministries

We seek to empower servants of the Most High God who are looking to take their online presence to the next level

We're looking to help Holy Spirit-led Churches which are interested in providing a safe place online for people to both explore and deepen their relationship with Christ

That's who we are

If that's you too, then by all means Click the Button Below to learn more about the platform we're building our own ministry and business out on: 


We feel that if you use it right, this modern platform could be a real benefit to your ministry and your message

Oh! and this is only ONE OF MANY Digital Tools I'd love to share with you going forward! 

Grab your Free PDF HERE

Hope this helped by at least raising awareness of the fact that there's newer and better ways of preaching the Gospel today,

And I'm praying this finds the ministries out there who resonate with our message of better online evangelism

Thank you for giving us a chance

- Blessings Beloved

As BLESSED and ANOINTED as we are...


Many Ministries today are behind the times when it comes to the use of new digital tools and more efficient ways to communicate the gospel online


Let's be honest

A lot of times people's first impression of the Church, the Bible's message of salvation, or even of JESUS Himself is unimpressed because our online presence looks old, dusty, and very, VERY dated

We can do better

If your ministry has a website, but it's not as engaging as you'd like it to be

Or maybe you don't feel it gives the impression it really could and should:

Then I'm here to tell you...

BELOVED there are BETTER and EASIER ways to build out beautiful digital spaces which keep peoples attention focused on Christ than what you're using now.

And it's not just about people who visit your website either...

Whether you're a Pastor seeking to create deeper engagement within your congregation by crafting vivid digital experiences WHICH COMPLIMENT your teachings, in-person fellowship, and live worship -

Or you're a solo-Evangelist looking to build a place online where both Believers and the Lost can come to receive encouragement and draw closer to Jesus -

You can use these platforms and tools to do just that


You've come to the right place...

Our own ministry exists to help you learn how to do so

Truth be told. Sharing my knowledge with you is exciting. We are extremely blessed to be alive right now friends


There are tons of New Tools available to help us share the Good News Of The Gospel these days:

Powerful tools that bring our ministries to life! 

They're fast

They're fun

They're easy to learn

And SUPER SIMPLE to use.

My brothers and sisters,

Tech isn't only a tool for the world to take advantage of -

On the contrary!

In the mighty name of Jesus we can take what digital weapons the enemy intended for evil and INSTEAD use them to Glorify the Father...

And the time is RIGHT

People are yearning to hear the message of the Bible...

Of Abba's love for His creation...

Of Salvation in Christ and our Hope in Jesus...

And IF EVER the world was prepped primed and ready for Revival

It's at this moment in time RIGHT NOW


God is GOOD! All the time!

(Sorry I can't help it sometimes)




When I was first saved - a very wise Christian once told me that if I wanted to play full out for the Lord, then to tie my income to my ministry -

Praise God truer words were never spoken

With that being said...

Consider this to be my tent-making trade Brothers and Sisters

More than just a business

Digital Dove Media is also a MINISTRY

We're fighting for hearts here. We go HARD for Jesus! 

We are Fishers of men. Soldiers for Christ

We play full out


But it's also much Much deeper than that...

I'm doing what I'm doing because I choose to Love our God with a passion that has no depths to it

The same way He Loved me when I only had two cents in my pocket and just as many oranges in the fridge to eat

He comforted me with His presence...

Walked with me through blooms of desert flowers

I felt the warmth of His love like the rising sun on my face

As the cool morning breeze on my cheeks

And heard the gentle whisper of a still small voice

Until finally, one day the HOLY SPIRIT would walk me into a chapel in Chula Vista, CA and I found the freedom I'd been looking for my entire life...


BELOVED. From the very beginning,

I was never without,

Not for a second...

And nether are you my friends.

As Believers, every one of us are also called within the scriptures to fulfill the Great Commission: and God forms each of us according to His own purpose in order to do so...

As Fellow Christians, we are commanded to LOVE and to SERVE one another : and it's also why I’m doing what I'm doing

To show the same GRACE and MERCY to the Church that was shown to me in Christ (I'm sure you understand)

In this season my purpose is helping you preach online:

ESPECIALLY to the youth

ESPECIALLY in these times


If any of this moves your spirit


Keep reading...

A selfie of Justin McMillen in a hooded sweatshirt, with a friendly expression, standing in front of a display of vibrant artwork, including a vivid yellow bird in flight.
The sun rising over a lush vineyard, casting a warm glow over rows of grapevines. The sky is a mix of blue and streaks of clouds, with the light creating long shadows on the ground, highlighting the peaceful beauty of the vineyard at dawn.
A person stands with outstretched arms on a calm body of water, perfectly reflected below, creating a symmetrical image against a vibrant sunset. The sky is a tapestry of oranges, blues, and purples, with clouds scattered across the horizon.
Logo of Digital Dove Media LLC, featuring a stylized icon of a flaming dove, representing the Holy Spirit, soaring above two entwined white letter D's. The dove and D's together create a distinctive symbol, with the text 'Digital Dove Media' positioned below. This logo represents our identity as a Christian marketing agency dedicated to assisting shepherds in the Body of Christ in enhancing their online ministries.

Serving Shepherds In The Body Of Christ

Digital Dove Media | Pricing and Services

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. - Psalm 33:11


Selfie of Justin McMillen with a cheerful smile, wearing sunglasses and a red hooded jacket, with a backdrop of trees displaying autumn foliage in shades of yellow and orange. Fallen leaves cover the ground, adding to the seasonal ambiance.
Logo of Digital Dove Media LLC, featuring a stylized icon of a flaming dove, representing the Holy Spirit, soaring above two entwined white letter D's. The dove and D's together create a distinctive symbol, with the text 'Digital Dove Media' positioned below. This logo represents our identity as a Christian marketing agency dedicated to assisting shepherds in the Body of Christ in enhancing their online ministries.
Yahweh bless you and keep you. Yahweh make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. Yahweh turn his face towards you and give you peace.


Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!

For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. - Galatians 5:13

A stylized flame icon with a white cutout that suggests a dove in flight, set against a gradient of orange to yellow, representing the Holy Spirit in Christian iconography.
A white dove in mid-flight with wings spread wide, symbolizing peace and the Holy Spirit. The dove's feathers are detailed, showing a range of shades from pure white to soft grays, capturing the grace and beauty of this powerful symbol.

© Digital Dove Media LLC 2024

Digital Marketing and Web Design for Believers.

Powered by ConvertriPowered by Convertri