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There's a curious aspect of God.

This phenomenon you see in the scriptures where the Most High is All-knowing, All-powerful, omnipotent, omniscient, and without beginning or end...

Contrasted with certain accounts in the Bible where God seems to be limited (can't find Adam and Eve in the garden), displaying very human-like emotions, and clearly having experiences in linear time. 


How does that work?

Apparently, this paradox between God's omnipotence, omniscience, and transcendence on one hand, and the anthropomorphic descriptions of God on the other...

has been the subject of theological and philosophical discussions for centuries, and debated by theologians, scholars, and believers alike.


Apparently there are several ways to interpret these seemingly contradictory attributes. Let's go over a few:

1. Literal vs. Symbolic Interpretation: Some argue that the anthropomorphic descriptions are metaphorical or symbolic, meant to help humans understand God in relatable terms.

2. Progressive Revelation: Another viewpoint is that God reveals Himself in ways that are comprehensible to people at specific times and places, which may not encompass the full extent of His nature.

3. Contextual Reading: Some scholars believe that the Bible, being a collection of texts written over many centuries by different authors, can contain diverse and evolving conceptions of God.

4. Theological Reconciliation: Some theological frameworks, like process theology, posit that God's nature may include both change and timelessness, but in ways that are beyond human understanding.

5. Divine Condescension: This concept suggests that God willingly "limits" Himself to interact with His creation in a meaningful way, even though He is not inherently limited.


While others may have approached this in a variety of ways, and these are some great mental frameworks people have used to think about the complex nature of God as described in religious texts...

I wanted to touch on the subject in a way not yet mentioned: 


You see. I believe that the Most High God willingly manifested into creation in order to experience a personal, intimate relationship with both man and creation itself; nature, animals, and all life...

participating directly Himself.

To experience love and intimacy.

With you.

With me.

So throughout the scriptures we repeatedly see the phenomenon mentioned earlier...

At times God is the Great I AM who is the Alpha and the Omega, the one without beginning or end, and yet at other times He walks in the cool of the morning throughout the garden with Adam, or speaks face-to-face with Moses and Abraham.

Common denominator?


Over and over again.

It's about intimate personal relationships.

Let's dive deeper.

The scriptures say that God "knew you before even the stars were formed." This is important to understand, because while the King of Glory absolutely doesn't have to...

Abba lovingly chooses to have this intimate relationship within creation itself: with people He loved before it was even created.

Yahweh is not just a distant, unapproachable force but also a deeply personal and relational being. 

He is a person. 

3 actually.

His very essence is one of love and relationship, illustrated beautifully in the trinity...


The eternal triune nature of the relationship between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit suggests that God's VERY NATURE is intimate love: 

and through grace and mercy the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has extended the scope of this divine relationship to include His chosen Elect...

That's you. 

That's me.


So not only did Yahweh choose to leave His throne to personally participate in His creation...

I also believe the Most High made another critical choice: to open Himself up to be vulnerable, and this choice has set the stage for an epic cosmic showdown: because we have an adversary who has stepped into the narrative... 


Enemy of the Most High. 

Rebel. Traitor.

Let's talk Freewill.

Yahweh has been willing to expose himself to possible rejection by giving us freewill. Without the ability to say NO, then saying YES has no real meaning. 

And in a TRUE intimate relationship, both partners are choosing to participate out of love and trust...

(Intimacy is based on trust)

So to reeeeally experience the beauty of what a deep, loving, intimate relationship has to offer, YOU MUST BE WILLING to completely open up your heart, and expose yourself to the real possibility that at any moment the other person could brutally hurt you... 

Hence the necessity for trust.

It's no different with Yahweh 

No different for you.

And it's the same for me.

God gave you freewill out of love.

But creation falls.

After aaaaall the love and affection Abba has tenderly poured out onto His special creation...


The very ones made in His image. Satan was able to step in and weaponize God's vulnerability against Him. 


By seducing man into rebellion.




A little different huh? 

The concept of vulnerability now becomes very intriguing.

It's a quality not usually attributed to God given His omnipotence and omniscience...

Yet it allows for deeper insight and revelation, where the very strength of God, His capacity for love and intimacy could be perceived as a weakness being exploited by an adversary like Satan.

It's not.

Instead, the idea that God's love opens Him up to a form of vulnerability can offer Believers a rich understanding of the Divine-human relationship...

and describes a deeply empathic and intimate Creator, who's very nature is inherently rooted in both relationship and love.

This is a romance. 

A love story.

These people God knew before the stars were even formed, people whom would CHOOSE to love Him back:

and that intimacy between Yahweh and His people was so special to Abba, that He decided to participate in this personal relationship with His creation DESPITE KNOWING His heart would be deeply wounded in the process: 

and the King of Glory still went in regardless

Praise God.

Can you see how free will becomes an essential ingredient in a meaningful relationship between the Creator and His creation?

By allowing for the possibility of rejection or betrayal, the Father makes the affirmative choice of love all the more significant and authentic...

It's a love that's not compelled but freely given and freely received. We love Him because He loved us first. 


Our God is so good.

Merciful. Powerful. Graceful.

Transforming our understanding of what omnipotence and omniscience can mean...

broadening them to include the capacity for profound relationship and emotional depth. Adding complexity and beauty to traditional notions of the Divine...

Vulnerability becomes not a weakness but a profound strength

It takes courage to Love. 

It is the weak who hate. 

Our God is willing to engage deeply, to risk emotional pain in the quest for a richer, more meaningful relationship with His beloved.

It's powerful. 


God's heart changes the game.

So despite being omnipotent and omniscient, God also willingly opens Himself up to vulnerability and at the very same time He grants humans free will. 

This makes the affirmative choice to love Him deeply meaningful. 


Think about this.

The great I AM. Loves YOU. Personally.

And you're choices can move the very heart of God.

Noooo this is not a weakness either...

One could argue that it's precisely BECAUSE Yahweh is all-powerful and all-knowing that He can choose to engage in a more personal, intimate way with His creation. 

This intimate engagement can be understood as an expression of our Creator's love and a desire for relationship, which adds another rich layer to the beautiful nature of the Most High God:

Beauty made manifest in Messiah.

The incarnation of Jesus is the ultimate expression of this desire for intimacy — God becoming man in order to fully engage with human experience. Sending His only son as a Messiah to save us from sin.

And there's even more...

Jesus is not merely a savior but a mediator for a renewed covenant relationship with God. Through Him, the gap created by sin is bridged, making true intimacy with God possible again.

A new covenant.

Based on faith, grace, mercy and love.

Something the enemy is fighting against at all costs.​

The stage is now set for a war between good and evil. A spiritual struggle between God's love and the adversary's schemes. 

Satan aims to exploit God's vulnerability, but God's will for intimacy ultimately prevails...

Tell me this doesn't add an element of urgency and consequence to human choices and actions? 

The stakes are high...

Not just for humans, but, in a sense, for God as well. 

It's quite beautiful. 

Poetic actually.


The Bible introduces us to a complex, dramatic, tension between Creator and created after the fall: 

a drama detailed in the scriptures, and describing the relationship between the Most High and man.

As well as the wicked ones.

It's war.

Now let's flip the script.

Dominion is the spirit of the enemy. Satan seeks to establish the exact opposite relationship between himself and man from the one God desires:

Satan wants control, power, dominance, a loveless lack of intimacy based on fear, transactional relationships, and an ever-present threat of violence. 

But it wasn't always like this.

Tragically, the scriptures talk of how Lucifer was at one time favored by God, the most beautiful of angels...

A Cheribum and Seraphim (and some say archangel), perhaps a worship leader in heaven since he is described as having a body made of musical instruments: who knows?

But one thing is certain...

At one time, the devil enjoyed a very deep close and very special intimate relationship with the great I AM directly...

At least before his narcissistic tendencies, his envy and his greed overcame him: choosing to rebel against Yahweh and resulting in Lucifer's eternal separation from God:

From Abba Himself...

WHO IS intimate love and relationship by nature.

The tragedy of this narrative isn't just the fall of Lucifer itself but the loss of a deep, intimate relationship with Yahweh and the irreplaceable value of Divine intimacy.

From this perspective, we begin to understand why Satan would seek to disrupt human-Divine relationships. 

This is not merely a power play, but an emotionally charged drama centered around the deepest aspects of existence: love, intimacy, and relationship.

Satan is tormented by what he lost, and hates man for being able to experience this special special one-on-one relationship with Yahweh through Christ and the Holy Spirit...

Hateful. Vengeful. Evil.

Such a stark contrast between the natures of God and Satan as described within the scriptures sets up a narrative dynamic that places love and intimacy on one side and control, power, and dominion on the other. 

The presence of the enemy adds a moral dimension to this spiritual battle, emphasizing the choices we each individually make in aligning ourselves with either one side or the other.

Satan is a figure of control and manipulation.

The great I AM of Israel is Liberty.

Freedom or bondage?

You have a choice.

It goes back to Eden.

Adam was placed in the garden where God began to enjoy a deep intimate relationship with him. 

Because of this intimate relationship between Himself and Adam, man became "special" to God in such a way that He wanted to raise Him up above the rest of His creations...

including the angels. 

Satan, being the most beautiful and privileged among the heavenly hosts became extremely overcome with envy and jealousy and evil intentions crept into his heart... 

eventually leading to a Machiavellian plot to seduce God's "new love" and turn them against Him through lies and deception.


Satan was going to exploit man's freewill and use God's vulnerability against Him, turning them on one another in a power play to destroy the intimacy between them FOREVER: through man's willing betrayal of the great I AM's trust love and affection...

and THIS is how sin made it's way into the world, 

when God, 

WHO IS pure divine love, intimacy, and relationship experienced the brutal emotions associated with betrayal by a beloved partner:

There was an immediate separation between Creator and created.

This interpretation casts the relationship between God and humanity in deeply intimate terms, and it depicts the emergence of sin as a heartrending violation of that intimacy.

In this framing, Lucifer's envy and rebellion are driven by a jealous desire to disrupt the special relationship between God and humans. 

And in a weird way, adds layers of emotional and psychological depth to Lucifer, making him not just a symbol of evil, but a complex figure motivated by his own lost intimacy with God. 

A true tragedy.

The notion that sin enters the world through a betrayal of divine intimacy rather than simply disobedience adds a unique twist. 

This turns the narrative of the Fall into a story of broken trust and shattered love, rather than merely a violation of divine law. 

It highlights the emotional stakes of sin...

and the pain it inflicts upon a God who desires intimacy with His creation. Your decisions can either hurt or please Him.

This perspective offers a way to understand sin, not just as a moral failing, but as a betrayal that breaks the heart of the Abba. 

It also suggests that the central drama of human existence isn't merely moral but relational, bound up in the complexities of love, trust, and intimacy.

The choices humans face aren't not just ethical decisions but matters of the heart. 


This is a war for your heart.

Your mind.

Your soul.

While the enemy seemed to temporarily get the upper hand in the battle by apparently "ruining" God's relationship with man: 

we serve a mighty King of Glory and compassion: and Yahweh decided to do for you and I what anyone who truly loves someone being abused would do...

He fights for us. 

The scriptures tell the tale of the passionate love story of God's refusal to leave his beloved behind, those He knew before creation itself, and His relentless pursuit of the restoration of this broken relationship...

First through His covenant people Israel.

Then the Law and the Prophets.

The plan of salvation through the life death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ.

And finally culminating in the return of King Yeshua mashiach during the rapture: when God reestablishes this intimate relationship through the marriage of Christ and the Church!

It's a wedding.

God's actions throughout history, from the covenant with Israel to the incarnation and sacrifice of Jesus, are moves in a cosmic love story aimed at rescuing and restoring a broken relationship.

Glory Abba Father!

The ultimate goal is not just individual salvation but the restoration of an intimacy with both man and creation itself, symbolized most fully in the notion of the marriage between Christ and the Church. 


Yahweh sending Jesus isn't just an act of divine justice or moral correction; it's a grand romantic gesture, a testament to the lengths God will go to win back the love and trust of His creation. 

Every moment of each decision made, every act of faith, and every ethical choice is part of a broader context...

Your choices matter.

Knowing this provides believers a rich, emotionally resonant lens through which to read the Biblical narrative, one that underscores the profound emotional and relational stakes of your walk with Christ.

It imbues a Christian's life with deep significance, framing God not just as Creator and Lawgiver, but also as the ultimate Lover pursuing His beloved...

with Messiah playing a pivotal role in the restoration of this intimacy, both now and after His second coming. 


Let's go even deeper.

Sin causes a separation between man and God, and throughout the Bible we see God's people...

failing time and time again to capitalize on the chances God patiently and continually gives them to demonstrate their love for their God by following His ways...

Instead they choose sin.

Even worshipping other gods. 

Yahweh is deeply betrayed by His lover, and the scriptures state that He often calls Israel an "adulterous bride" who "whores herself" out to other gods...despite Abba's love and provision. 

In fact, man in his fallen state can't even properly reciprocate the intimacy God shows him, and is no longer capable of providing the kind of love the Lord seeks. 

In effect, God finds Himself in a one-sided abusive relationship

At least until the Church receives the Holy Spirit.


This is the greater meaning to the book of Hosea and why Yahweh has Hosea marry Gomer the prostitute, because He wants Hosea to both understand and document what He is going through fighting for His love...

When Hosea falls in love with Gomer and is deeply hurt when she continuously comes heats on him with other men, he still gently loves her, always taking her back...

until he finally gets her "cleaned up" and she is ready to go to synagogue: but when they arrived the women mock and tease her for her past, and Gomer runs off never to be seen by Hosea again.

Broken hearted, when Hosea laments to God asking Him WHY did He have to experience this? Yahweh answers him, essentially saying "Now you know how I feel about my Israel"

This is deep.

But there is Hope.

The Prophets begin prophesying of a coming Messiah. God's answer to the problem: Jesus Christ hallelujah!

Our Messiah is not merely a savior in the conventional sense but acts as the mediator of a renewed, transformative relationship between God and His creation.

The book of Hosea serves as an emotional allegory for God's experience with His people...

Yahweh's relationship with Israel, marked by cycles of love, betrayal, and longing, reflects the same dynamics that you see between Hosea and Gomer. The poignant and painful experiences of Hosea serve to illustrate the emotional stakes of God's relationship with humanity.

You Feel It.

Jesus emerges as a remedy to this cycle of betrayal...

By living a perfect life, dying for the sins of humanity, 

and being resurrected, 

Jesus does what humanity could not do for itself: He bridges the gap that sin had created between God and man, allowing for the possibility of a fully restored relationship. 

Through faith in Jesus, believers can be transformed and renewed, capable once again of engaging in an intimate relationship with God.

The coming of Jesus is God's most dramatic, loving, and redemptive action in this monumental narrative. 

It is an act that allows for the restoration of a broken love, enabling those who believe to reenter an intimate relationship with Yahweh, something not possible through human effort alone. 

This frames the Christian understanding of salvation as deeply emotional and affectionate, offering a restoration not just of legal or moral standing, but of a broken heart.

EVEN BEFORE Jesus' return...

Believers can experience this INTIMACY through Christ. 

The scriptures talk about Jesus being the Vine and the Believers being the branches. Well, Jesus also describes Himself as the branch and the Father as the root...

We see similar language used when Jesus says things like "I am in the Father and the Father is in me" "I and the Father are one": so we as Believers, who willing choose to receive Christ's wedding proposal and salvation through His free gift of GRACE...

Have our spirits united with Christ's...

As well as with the Father who is in Christ...

When we receive the Holy Spirit...


We become a dwelling place where both Jesus and the Father (being in Union with Christ) 

They come and make a home in us, bringing us back into this Divine intimacy with the great I AM through both Messiah and the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

The metaphors of the vine and the branches, as well as the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, point to this mysterious but real union between the Believer and the Divine. 

And it's juuuust the beginning.

The Christian life now becomes a journey of deepening intimacy with God, facilitated by the Holy Spirit. 

Believers are not merely followers of a set of doctrines but participants in a dynamic living relationship. 

As "Arks of the New Covenant" we enjoy the privilege, sacredness and responsibility of carrying God's presence within us.

This intimacy is not just a future promise but a present reality. It adds urgency and vitality to a life of faith in Jesus Christ. 

It means that every moment is an opportunity to experience and express this real love, to live in union with God's will, and to manifest the love of Messiah in the world.

Lights of this world.

Our Christian walk is not just a matter of moral or ritual observance but a fellowship of love and intimacy that has both present and eternal implications:

And there are rewards

Our Father gives good gifts to His children.

The great I AM shall not be mocked, and His Word shall not return to Him null and void: I'm talking about His original intention for man's special purpose God had intended for His lover:

To make man higher than even the angels

The enemy arrogantly thought he could thwart the Most High's plans, but His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven, and when God declares something, it is going to happen one way or the other...


In this case, it's made manifest in Jesus and the Bride of Christ.

Something to look forward to.

Our King is coming back for us.

His Beloved.

In fact, Jesus is not returning as the meek Messiah He came as the first time: fulfilling the law and prophets and redeeming mankind by laying down His life...


Next time He is returning as the conquering Lion of Judah, personally fighting on the front lines of battle, swinging a sword of vengeance against fallen rebel angels attempting to both enslave mankind and permanently destroy God's intimate relationship with His creation.


The Father has given all authority to the Son, and in union with Christ we are made higher than angels indeed!

Given that authority in His name...

A kind of power of attorney...

Made more than conquerors...

Seated with Jesus as victorious Kings and High Priests...immersed in God's loving presence: FOREVER. 

What a glorious and beautiful climax to this love story

And the deeper insight to it is that the Most High "knew" it would happen this way, the pain that He would experience when it did, and STILL decided to go through it regardless:

because the love He would experience would make it all worth it in the end...

Now THAT'S something worth fighting for!

I hope this captures the drama and emotional depth of what many see as the grand narrative of Christian theology, highlighting the triumph and vindication that are integral to the Christian understanding of eschatology—the "end times." 

In this future climax, the love and intimacy that have been God's goal from the beginning are fully realized, not despite the trials and tribulations but, in some mysterious way, through them.

The transformation of Jesus from the "suffering servant" to the "conquering Lion of Judah" captures the completion of the Bible's' narrative arc...

God's initial intentions for humanity are not thwarted but fulfilled in a way that even surpasses the original design—elevated above the angels, in union with Christ.

This future triumph serves as both a promise and an encouragement for believers navigating the trials of earthly life too. 

The intimate relationship with God, begun now but fully completed in King Jesus and the new heavens and new earth, provides us with both strength for the present and the hope for the future.

The scriptures underscore the incredible weight of the choices made in the context of this divine-human relationship. It highlights the drama of a Creator God who, knowing all outcomes, still chooses to risk the pain of betrayal for the joy of love fulfilled. 

In this love story, the stakes are incredibly high, not just for human beings but also for God, making the ultimate triumph of our Lord Jesus Christ all the more glorious and meaningful.

And that is the good news of the Gospel.

The story of Yahweh, the great I AM, whose very essence is unyielding love and intimate relationship, and His desire for intimacy, even amidst rebellion, and His unyielding power of love to conquer all.

A declaration of His love.

Our Father gifted humanity with free will, knowing this divine gamble could lead to rejection and heartbreak. But such is the depth of God's love, willing to risk it all for the sake of genuine, unforced intimacy with His creation.

Do you have the courage to love Him back?

One more thing...

The fall of man was heartbreaking.


Despite the anguish, God’s love remains unwavering.

And He begins relentlessly pursuing us. 

From covenants with Israel to the prophecies of a coming Messiah, God patiently crafts the pathway back to divine intimacy. 

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ stand as the ultimate testament to God’s unwavering commitment to humanity, offering hope and restoration amid the chaos sown by Satan.

A plan of salvation.

By accepting Christ’s outstretched hand, we step back into intimacy with our Father. Our sins are forgiven. We are made clean again. 

White as snow.



The fractured relationship between God and humanity mends as we intertwine our spirits with Christ, the divine conduit of God’s love. As believers, we are embraced into this dance of divine love and eternal relationship.

Love is triumphant in the end.

This story is far from its conclusion Beloved. A grand finale awaits, where the Conquering Lion, Jesus Christ, will return, eradicating the remnants of rebellion and establishing an eternal reign of love and peace. 

Every tear will be wiped away, and the echo of betrayal will be drowned by the harmonious chords of eternal love and intimacy.

Join the Story

This breathtaking narrative of love, betrayal, and redemption invites us all to participate. We are not mere observers but active participants in this cosmic love story. 

As we accept God's love through Christ, we discover our role in the eternal picture, connected by the strong bonds of divine love and a close relationship with our creator.

Even right now.

If you haven't accepted salvation in Christ yet...

Don't wait. 

Don't walk. 

RUN into the arms of Jesus...!

He will meet you exactly where you're at.

You are loved and you are worthy.

He's not angry with you, and you've never gone too far. The finished work of Christ on the cross of Calvary covers it all.

It's His free gift of grace. Receive it.

Call out to Him and He shall answer "Here I AM"

I pray this perspective imbues the Biblical narrative with deep emotional and relational layers, giving the Christian walk a context of not just obedience but also love and intimacy.

Next time we'll dive into the plot twists of the romance storyline, and tactics used by Satan often not talked about: like his seduction and partnering with Cain after his expulsion from the Garden...

The establishment of "religion" as compared to "worship" through the Enoch and Lamech in Cain's lineage...

We'll talk about bloodlines,

and Satan's twisted plan to use Naamah (Cain's granddaughter) to impassion and seduce Watcher Angels to have sex with mortal women and join his rebellion against the Most High.

I promise to delve even deeper into the intricate narrative of divine love, human choices, and cosmic struggle. 

These are fascinating aspects that often don't get as much attention but are critical for a full understanding of the Biblical narrative, especially when viewed through the lens of intimacy and relationality. 

I look forward to exploring the depths of God's everlasting love further with you Beloved! Until then...

Be blessed.

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